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Maria Dolls

December 13, 2019

The mexican rag doll

Rag dolls, also called "María Dolls" have their origin in Michoacán and the State of Mexico. These dolls were initially created so that those who could not buy a porcelain doll could have their own doll, because they were made by their own mothers or community members.

Over time, indigenous women began selling these same dolls at an affordable price, which made them a source of income for their families.

Currently, they represent a symbol of Mexican culture, because they reflect the humility and dedication of women who make them with various fabrics and colorful ribbons, giving magic to childhood feelings. 

At the same time, they continue to be a source of income for small indigenous businesses and their communities. These dolls can now be found in most states of the Mexican Republic. Our dolls are acquired from the craftswoman Genoveva Pérez Pascual who lives in San Ildefonso, in Amealco, Querétaro, known for manufacturing beautiful and unique Otomi dolls and recognized by “Manos Indígenas, Calidad Mexicana” a government program focused on growth and Economic improvement of the indigenous community.

Maria dolls have had such a boom that now a companion has been created for them “Panchito”, becoming a beautiful toy for children, this is how the Maria doll found her Mexican Ken.

Its popularity is so great that even more uses have been found for these dolls, including Maria earrings, key chains and home, car, Christmas tree ornaments and more. Very popular gifts among tourists who visit our beautiful and beloved Mexico.

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